Tune in for Sean's weekly news and politics roundups released Monday mornings. Sean also discusses engaging personal lifestyle topics, useful legal and financial topics, and interesting miscellaneous topics relating to business, entrepreneurship, career advice, and more.

Sean Sandifer is an entrepreneur, podcast host, and attorney serving Illinois and Missouri with a simplified, modern legal experience.

Meet Sean Sandifer

how sean can help

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the podcast

Why Sean Started his law practice

Why I Started Sean Sandifer Law

Why I Started Sean Sandifer Law

The reality is the legal industry is behind the times. Lawyers can be hard to reach. People are scared of costs ballooning. The very idea of talking to or being contacted by a lawyer can be intimidating. That’s why I started Sean Sandifer Law and built a website where I bring legal services straight to you.

After inquiring via our online contact form, you’ll receive a response within 48 hours. I describe my legal practice as kind of like very expensive therapy- I counsel you on your life and your money. I don’t have all the answers, but I can help you find them. 

The Mission Behind Sean Sandifer Law

The goal of seansandiferlaw.com is to modernize legal services for my clients. My team and I will be responsive, transparent, and accessible. I know this process cannot and will not be perfect, especially not at first, but the key (like with many things in life), is just to start. 

My truest desire is to lead an authentic, vibrant life of connection, purpose, and impact with other people. I want to be around thoughtful, loyal people who also keep it real and advocate for what they feel to be right. We typically hear about injustice in the context of broad social movements, but the reality is most often injustice hits within our personal lives and personal relationships.

And while it’s true there are “two sides to every story,” the truth is that usually one is more right than wrong, and the other is more wrong than right. What I love about my chosen profession is that it allows people the opportunity to be heard- I will always listen to my clients, hear them, and give them an honest assessment to the best of my ability. 

To the extent that I can, I want to understand people, advise people, serve people, and help them tell their full story. For my friends and my clients, know this- in me you have a committed ally and loyal friend.

How I Can Help

As an attorney and as a friend, if I can be of service to others- if I can make someone’s walk just a little bit easier, just a little bit happier, then I’m doing alright. If I can make someone feel that they’re not so alone; that they have someone in their corner. Could be something as simple as reviewing a contract or business idea. Maybe there’s a dispute of some kind. Whatever it may be. I’ll do my best to help – it’s why I started Sean Sandifer Law.

If I can be of help to you, please reach out and schedule a complimentary call to assess your needs.

Serving clients in Illinois and Missouri.

Book my complimentary call now

Book a complimentarY call 

Say goodbye to stuffy law firms, wondering if you’ll ever receive a call back, and never-ending stacks of legal bills. Sean takes the stress out of meeting with a lawyer.

Here's what you can expect: a simple, modern legal experience.

We’ll discuss your situation and make a simple action plan for next steps. 

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